Reward Of Great Sacrifice English Version By Yashpal


Reward Of Great Sacrifice

by Yashpal

Genre: Motivation

There was a rich Seth - very humble and generous. He was so pious that no saint-saint would return disappointed from his door, he would get plenty of food. The door of the store was open to all. Only those who extend their hands get it. Seth had performed many yagyas and did not know how much money was distributed in charity to the poor.

But, 'every day is not the same'. Suddenly the day turned and Seth had to see the face of poverty. Colleagues also turned away and the situation came to such an extent that Seth and Sethani started dying of hunger.

A practice was prevalent in those days. There used to be buying and selling of the fruits of the Yagyas. Whether the Yagya was small or big, the price would have been given according to them. When there was a lot of trouble, one-day Sethani said, "If you don't have it, sell only one yagya!"

At first, Seth was very sad after hearing this, but later thinking of his poverty, he got ready to sell a Yagya. At a distance of ten-twelve kos from Seth's place, there was a city named Kundanpur, in which a very big Seth used to live. People used to call them 'Dhanna-Seth'. It was rumored that his Sethani has got some divine power, due to which she knows about the three worlds.

He had no shortage of money. Distressed Seth thought of selling a Yajna to him.

The destination was far away, so Sethani somehow brought some flour from the neighbor and made four thick chapatis for the way and tied them in a bundle, and gave them to Seth. Seth got up very early and went towards Kundanpur. They were summer days. Seth thought that as long as the sun rises, as long as I can cross the road, it is better. Thinking of this, they walked very fast, but while crossing halfway, the sun got so strong that it became difficult to walk. His whole body became soaked in sweat and hunger also started troubling him.

Seeing a grove of trees and a well in front, Seth thought that he should stay here for a while and have food and rest. Thinking this, they moved towards that bow. Taking out a lota-door from the potli, drew water and washed hands and feet. After that, taking a glass of water, he sat under a tree and was about to take out the bread and break it to eat, let's see - nearby, at arm's length, a dog is lying and whimpering. The poor man's stomach was touching his waist. Seeing Seth opening the bread, he repeatedly raised his neck, but due to weakness, his neck used to fall.

Seeing this, Seth's heart was filled with pity, 'It seems that the poor man has not got food for many days, that's why this condition has happened.' Seth picked up bread and cut it into pieces and put it in front of the dog. The dog was hungry, and slowly he ate all the bread. Now a little life appeared in his body. He raised his face and started looking at Seth. There was gratitude in his eyes. Seth thought that if I feed him one more roti, then he will be able to walk again.

Thinking of this, Seth cut another roti into pieces and fed him. After eating two loaves, the dog's body got strong and it came near Seth, crawling. Seth saw that he is still not able to walk well. No settlement was visible around. Seth thought, if I give him one more roti, then he will be able to walk well. What is mine, like two trenches, one? I will reach Kundanpur in a short while.

Seth picked up the third bread and fed it to the dog. Now one roti is left. He was about to eat it when Seth saw that the dog's eyes were still fixed on him. There is compassion in those eyes. Suddenly it came out of Seth's mouth, 'Hi! Don't know how many days the poor man is hungry.

It came to his mind that my work can be done even with water. If this poor, dumb and helpless creature gets one more bread, then surely it will get enough strength that it will be able to reach any colony.

Seth didn't think much and fed that last bread to the dogs. After drinking a glass of water and taking some rest, he made his way.

Diya Jale reached Seth Kundanpur. When Seth reached the mansion, Dhanna Seth got up and welcomed him. Asked, "Say, Seth! what brings you here?''

Seth said, "I am in trouble and have come to sell you a Yagya."

Meanwhile, Dhanna Seth's wife came and bowed down to Seth and said, "Yes! We are ready to buy Yagya, but you will have to sell your Mahayagya.

′′ Mahayagya! ′′ Seth said in surprise.

"Yes, that's what you did today," said Dhanna Seth's wife.

Seth was very surprised - Mahayagya! and today! They understood that they were being made fun of. He said humbly, “You say today, I have not performed any Yagya for years. My situation was not like this.

Dhanna Seth's wife said seriously, "No Seth, today you have performed a huge yajna. King! If you sell it, we will buy it, otherwise not.

Seth got confused. He was sure that these people do not have to buy Yagya. That's why such things are being done.

What do you think Seth? Tell me, are you ready?'' Dhanna Seth's wife asked.

Seth said sadly, “Sethani ji, stop laughing! Talk about work. I haven't performed Yagya for years, you say today.

Sethani explained that on the way today, instead of eating himself, he fed all four rotis to a hungry dog, if this is not a great Yagya then what else is it! Yagya performed by looting wealth with the desire to earn, is not true Yagya, selfless

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